Archive for January 2nd, 2014|Daily archive page

2013 Lessons and Reflections by Angenita Williams and Delina Hill-Brooker



2013. All I can say is what a year.

As with any other year, there were lots of ups and downs. Mistakes made. Lessons learned. But I can honestly say, I did more, lived more, and loved more in 2013. I opened myself up to see things I never saw before. I accepted things I refused to accept before. I learned even more about me. Man, this healing journey is long and rough. But I’m making it through.

2013 also taught me that the past needs to remain in the past, especially dealing with past hurts, past feelings, and past relationships. Holding on to hope that those who hurt you, or those you had feelings for, would change their actions is essentially false hope. He/she is who he/she is. And if who he/she is doesn’t fit with who you are, then they just don’t fit…move on.

My grandchildren are growing so fast…the oldest turned three this year. It reminds me that the time really flies, and how I should live life to the fullest. I’ve got things to do and futures to help establish.

Bye Bye 2013. It’s been real. 2014, I’m looking forward to what you will bring.


2013 was more of a reinforcement of a lesson that I have just been refusing to learn in the past few years. The lesson: There are a lot of things that I cannot control. Only God can say when, so let go so He can do His thing.

Another lesson that I’ve learned in 2013 is to relearn me. All of these years of focusing only on my husband and children, I’ve forgotten about me. What makes me happy, what makes me feel beautiful inside and out. I’m not fully done with this lesson, but it’s one that I’ve grown to love and don’t mind carrying it into the New Year. Of course, I will always have and make time to focus on my husband and children, but finding the balancing act to focus on myself as well will be included.

I’ve learned to laugh at myself, and I’ve cried more times then I care to admit, but I’ve realized that I’ve held so much in, and sometimes the only way out is through tears…and it feels SO good after it’s out. =)

I’m purposely not making any resolutions this year. What for? I don’t need a new year to start something new. I can just start today. I will live each day to the fullest, take on opportunities, try new things and perfect old things.

God is good. We are all blessed to see another year.
